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Moorhead's Czichotzki Keeps the Spuds' Operation Sharp

01/31/2017, 8:30pm CST
By Peter Odney

It's all in the details for Cooper Czichotzki.

From the texture of his tie, to the subtle pattern of his dress socks, Czichotzki is pure polish and pomade.

Such is life for the team manager of the Moorhead Spuds, a title that the senior Czichotzki has held for the past three seasons.

“I played hockey up until Bantams, and I knew I wasn’t going to be good enough to play in high school,” Czichotzki said on Saturday afternoon before the Spuds took on St. Michael-Albertville.

“One of my friends asked if I wanted to be team manager,” Czichotzki continued, adding that he wasn’t sold on the idea right away. “At first I didn’t know if I would like it or not,” Czichotzki admitted. “But obviously I said yes in the end, and it’s probably the best decision I’ve made so far in my life.”

With his official title being the program’s Director of Hockey Operations, Czichotzki has become a master of packing the team’s equipment, fixing loose helmet cages and essentially making life just a little bit easier for the Spuds’ brass.

Jon Ammerman, who graduated from Moorhead in 2005 and went on to play in the United States Hockey League and at St. Cloud State, is in his fourth year behind the Spud bench, and is the primary reason the Spuds are possibly the best-dressed team in the state.

“Our coaches have our team dress up before games,” Czichotzki explained. “They say every time you throw on dress clothes it’s game day, and we only have 25 opportunities to do this.”

The position has also allowed Czichotzki to remain an integral piece of the sport he loves.

“It’s a fun experience to see what it’s like at the Varsity level,” Czichotzki said. “It’s the easiest way to stay involved in hockey.

Czichotzki will attend the University of North Dakota in the fall, and plans on majoring in special education.

But before he takes his talent north to Grand Forks, Czichotzki will relish the time he has remaining with the Moorhead program.

“It’s an honor just to be a part of it,” Czichotzki said. "To consider myself a Moorhead Spud.” 

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